Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan humbly Urges to all For follow Pandemic Rules to control Corona Virus Spread.
Here are the measures you need to take to keep the virus at bay:
✔️Avoid close contact with people
who are sick. Maintain at least
three feet distance between
yourself and anyone who is
coughing or sneezing.
✔️ Avoid touching your eyes, nose,
and mouth.
✔️ Stay home when you are sick.
✔️ Cover your cough or sneeze with
a tissue, then dispose of the
tissue safely.
✔️Clean and disinfect frequently-
touched objects and surfaces
using a regular household
cleaning spray or wipe.
✔️ Wearing a mask is very much
mandatory for all of us .
✔️ Wash your hands often with soap
and water for at least 20 seconds,
especially after going to the
bathroom, before eating, and
after blowing your nose,
coughing, or sneezing.
✔️ If soap and water are not readily
available, use an alcohol-based
hand sanitiser with at least 60%
alcohol. Always wash hands with
soap and water when hands are
visibly dirty.
✔️ If you have a fever, cough and
difficulty breathing, seek medical
attention immediately.
✔️Keep in mind the travel advisory
set out by the Ministry of Health
and Welfare.
#coronavirus #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #socialdistancing #staysafe #virus #coronav #stayathome #love #pandemia #quarentena #Germatenhospital #Covid19 #Hyderabad
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